Build Event Tables that Impress Your Guests | Expert Tips & Tricks

 As an event planner, one of the most important things to consider is the setup of your event space. Tables are a crucial element in creating the desired atmosphere for your event, but buying or renting tables can be expensive and limiting in terms of design options. This is why building your own tables can be a great solution. In this article, we will explore the benefits of building your own tables as an event planner.

Table Design Options

When you build your own tables, you have complete control over the design. You can create tables that fit the theme and style of your event perfectly, making them a focal point of the space. You can choose from a variety of materials, such as wood, metal, or glass, and customize the size and shape of the tables to fit the layout of the room. Design 59 offers many turned table legs that can help you with your style ambitions. This level of customization is not possible when buying or renting tables, as you are limited to the options available in the market.

Cost Savings

Buying or renting tables for events can be expensive, especially if you need a large quantity of tables. Building your own tables can be a cost-effective alternative, as you can source materials at a lower cost and save on labor costs by assembling the tables yourself. Additionally, you can reuse the tables for future events, making it a long-term investment that pays off in the long run.

Unique Selling Point

Building your own tables can set you apart from other event planners and give you a unique selling point. When clients see that you have built the tables from scratch, they will appreciate the attention to detail and personal touch you have put into the event. This can lead to repeat business and positive word-of-mouth recommendations.


Building your own tables also gives you flexibility in terms of setup and breakdown. You can create tables that are easy to assemble and disassemble, making the process of setting up and breaking down the event faster and more efficient. You can also create tables that can be easily transported, which is especially useful for outdoor events or events held in non-traditional spaces.

Quality Control

When you build your own tables, you have control over the quality of the materials used and the construction process. This ensures that the tables are sturdy and can withstand heavy use, which is important in the event industry where tables are constantly being moved and used by different people. Additionally, you can make repairs or adjustments to the tables yourself, rather than having to rely on a third-party vendor.


Building your own tables can also be a more sustainable option than buying or renting tables. You can choose to use reclaimed or recycled materials, reducing waste and contributing to a more eco-friendly event. Additionally, by reusing the tables for future events, you are reducing the amount of waste generated by the event industry.

Creative Outlet

Building your own tables can also be a creative outlet for event planners. It allows you to showcase your skills and creativity in a tangible way, and can be a fun and rewarding experience. You can also involve your team or clients in the process, creating a sense of community and collaboration.


When you build your own tables, you can personalize them in a way that is not possible with store-bought or rented tables. You can add special touches such as custom branding or personalized messages, creating a unique and memorable experience for guests.

Training and Skills Development

Building your own tables can also provide an opportunity for skills development and training. Event planners can learn new skills such as woodworking, welding, or upholstery, which can be useful in future events or in other areas of their personal or professional life.

Branding and Marketing

Building your own tables can also be a branding and marketing opportunity for event planners. Tables can be branded with logos or messages, creating a cohesive and professional look for the event. These branded tables can also be used as a marketing tool for future events, as they serve as a reminder of the event and can help build brand recognition.

Custom Fit

When you build your own tables, you can ensure that they fit the specific needs of your event. This can include factors such as the number of guests, the layout of the room, and the style and theme of the event. This level of customization can help create a cohesive and visually stunning event space.

Building Community

Building your own tables can also create a sense of community and collaboration within the event planning industry. Event planners can share tips, tricks, and resources for building tables, creating a supportive and inclusive community of professionals.


Building your own tables can provide event planners with a variety of benefits, including design options, cost savings, flexibility, quality control, sustainability, and personalization. It can also serve as a creative outlet, a branding and marketing opportunity, a chance for skills development and training, and a way to build community within the industry. By building their own tables, event planners can create unique and memorable event spaces that stand out from the competition.


  1. How long does it take to build a table? Building a table can take anywhere from a few hours to several days, depending on the complexity of the design and the materials used.

  2. Do I need to be an expert in woodworking to build a table? No, you do not need to be an expert in woodworking to build a table. There are many tutorials and resources available online that can help guide you through the process.

  3. Is it more cost-effective to buy or rent tables for small events? For small events, it may be more cost-effective to buy or rent tables, as the cost of materials and labor may outweigh the cost savings of building your own tables.

  4. Can I reuse the tables for future events? Yes, building your own tables allows you to reuse them for future events, making it a long-term investment that pays off in the long run.

  5. Are there any downsides to building your own tables? The main downside of building your own tables is the time and effort required to do so. However, the benefits of customization, cost savings, and sustainability often outweigh the additional effort required.


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